0800 610 2323
All the feedback – and subsequent explosion in grassroots activity – indicates that our week focused upon community building with Cormac Russell and Jim Diers has proved to be inspirational and empowering for a very large percentage of the folk who joined our conversations in Newcastle, Gloucester, The Forest of Dean, and (with Bob and Cormac) in Dublin. There’s no point, as Cormac put it, in “not taking advantage of a good crisis” and there’s little doubt that the strengths and gifts focused message of ABCD offers the prospect of hope and sustainability that is lacking from a bureaucratic analysis of the current crisis in the economic system.
Some Quotes from the 4 events:
“Inspirational Conference”
“Thanks for two great days!”
“Thanks for hosting such an inspirational event”
“I loved the event and a big congratulations, a great turn out and very inspiring
“I found it fascinating and took an enormous amount away from the discussions in the conference and particularly our informal chats afterwards”
“Life and work will never be the same again – that’s my intention”