0800 610 2323
Robyn is an intelligent 21 year old with much potential to be a contributing citizen. She also has diagnoses of autism, ADHD, Dyspraxia, Dyslexia and anxiety that make her her stress levels almost permanently high. As a result she makes almost intolerable demands on the few individuals she trusts to offer support. Robyn has experienced numerous ‘placement’ breakdowns and trauma that further reinforces her feelings of extreme vulnerability and need to control her environment.
Working with clinical input from Studio 3 who knew Robyn well, we worked to move from a crisis-driven situation to describing and then delivering a vision for the best life possible for Robyn.
Serving as an independent commissioner for the local authority, we identified a support provider able to realise our vision for Robyn and devised an extensive transition plan to set Robyn up in her own home, with a skilled team. Robyn recently moved into her house with the new support team. She has so far stayed there and not made moves to return to her family which was a very likely outcome. A huge amount of work was put in place by the clinical team at Studio 3 to assist the first days of the transition. The support team have all been through network building training and whilst it is very early days, the signs are hopeful that things will settle well. We expect – and have ensured the support team are prepared for – challenges to come, but things are starting for Robyn towards her good life.