Breaking News – Much More to Life in New Zealand and now Japan!

In addition to travelling to New Zealand in 2013 in association with Imagine Better, Bob will be visiting Japan where he will collaborate with the University of Waseda and the City of Saitama, exploring the possible applications of the Much More to Life than Services approach as a sustainable alternative to further marketization of ‘care’.

Bob has enthusiastically accepted an invitation from Imagine Better to be the key note presenter at their November 2013 Conference, “There is More to Life than Services – alternatives to our current human services models”, in New Zealand.

He will also be delivering an international webinar on Much More to Life than Services for the International Initiative for Disability Leadership (at IIMHL) on December 6th 2012.
His visit to the University of Waseda and City of Saitama in Japan will be organised to run consecutively with engagements in New Zealand.